Today I had our 23 week check up and everything looks great! I have gained another 7 lbs bring the total to 12 lbs. :) Our little guy has a great heart rate of 150 and doesn't care for the Doppler much I don't think since he kicked it mid count so she had to do it over again. haha my belly is measuring 23 cm which is right on for normal. Next month I go in for my glucose test and they'll do another ultrasound to see if my placenta has moved up. Let's all pray that it has I would rather not have to deal with placenta previa and lose the opportunity to deliver our guy naturally.
In other fun baby news Ricky was playing a video game this weekend that had funky techno music to it. Our little guy LOVED it he was dancing like crazy you could actually see my belly moving to the music. When Ricky would pause the game he'd stop dancing and when the music resumed so would he it was hilarious! He wakes me up every so often at night from his kicks but other then that I couldn't ask for a better baby. I'm just praying that he is this kind to his mother once he's here.
We've finished our baby registries at Target and Babies R Us and are going to start working on the nursery in the coming weeks. My friend Kelsey found the fabric for the bedding at Wal-Mart so I've gotta go buy it so I can start making the bumper and dust ruffle. I'm really so excited to meet this little guy!
I'm going to California in less then 4 weeks to have a girls weekend and a baby shower so that's the next thing to look forward to baby wise.
Lish & Ricky