Wednesday, April 7, 2010

California Trip

The weekend before Easter I went home for a baby shower lovingly thrown by my BFF Tito, aka Crystal and my family. I loved going home! We had so much fun just hanging out and visiting with family and friends.

Friday we chilled at my mom's house and played in the pool with the girls.

These two girls play together, sometimes great, sometimes not so great. My favorite part of being with them was listening to Armanie say Holy Moly! and Ella say Hi! They are some of the cutest girls you'll ever meet.....Even if they are carbon copies of their Mothers. ;)

This is my mom's dog MooChee he loves to scavenger through your bag and find food....don't bother trying to take it away from him he's got a death grip....and that's why I call him lil ShiT (he's a ShiTzu)

Friday night we went out to dinner with all the family that was in town. It consisted of Nana and Pop, Mom and Gene, Sean and Stacey and their 2 boys, Katie and Armanie, Me and Heather and Ella. We went to Applebee's and had great food. We quickly realized though that this would probably be the last time we'd be able to go out to dinner as a family without having to rent a banquet room ha given that 3 husbands were missing and come October there will be 5 new additions bringing the total to 21 people and that's just too crazy for any of us to be able to comprehend. ha

Saturday we had my baby shower here are the pictures

It was a great time. Thank you so much Crystal for opening your home up and for all the good food and the great time! Thank you to everyone who came and for all the wonderful gifts. I'm so grateful to you all for the love and support all of you have always shown towards me. I'm so glad I was able to spend time with all of you.

Sunday we had Easter dinner and an Easter Egg hunt at mom's house, it was so fun to see all the kids playing together and getting to visit for a bit. Thanks mom for the good food and the fun times. During the Easter Egg hunt Armanie gave us the slip and figured out a way to get into Nana and Pop's RV and when we found her she had climbed up onto their counter and was sitting there eating cookies.....guess the candy in the eggs weren't enough for her.

This is a shot of me and my sisters with all our pregnant bellies. Stacey is due this month with twin girls, Heather is due in October, I'm due end of June with our sweet boy, and Katie is due mid June with what we all believe to be a boy, but it's a surprise. :)

Monday I met up with some of my friends from high school for lunch. Pictures will come later, it was so nice to see all of them and they were kind enough to bring me presents as well. Thank you very much you guys it was so much fun to sit around and visit for hours. and the presents were adorable! I can't wait to get our baby here and dress him in all the cute clothes!!!

By the time my flight left I was ready to come home to my hubby and hang out with him. The flight home was pretty uneventful until we started our decent into Salt Lake, it was at that point our little boy decided to climb up into my ribs and stay for the remainder of the flight. I got off the plane and made my way through the entire terminal with my carry on bag and purse, with basically one functioning lung since it felt like he was sitting on my right lung. ha by the time I got to baggage claim I was tired and winded, Ricky was there to pick me up and he started laughing at me because he thought I was so out of shape being winded. I told him I would have been fine if his son would have decided to climb back out of my rib cage!


Lish & Ricky

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